Thursday, March 30, 2017

Climbing Mount Hood

Mt. Hood
My boss has a place at Mount Hood and was extremely generous and offered to let us stay there a night while my family was in town. I spent my last day with my parents and sister traveling to the mountain and then conquering it. After we checked into the condo, we went up to Timberline Lodge and had lunch then explored the historic lodge.

The lodge was built in 1935 as part of Roosevelt's New Deal Works Progress Administration. It was primarily built by hand using materials from the area. It's a nice change to see the actual wood and stone used to construct the building almost 100 years ago. The craftsmanship was top notch and I loved the wood carvings. It's primarily used as a ski lodge but there isn't any skiing in October, when the snow hasn't fallen yet.

The picture doesn't do the details justice.

The newel posts on each floor were a different animal.

1930's craftsmanship.
Our parents went up to the Rams Head bar while my sister and I went outside to explore and climb the mountain. The facade was used for the Shining and it took me a second but at the right angle, I definitely saw flashbacks to the movie.


We found ourselves on the Pacific Crest Trail!

I have no idea why the rock looked like this but I
was fascinated.

Pacific Crest Trail marker.

Little sister checking out
the foliage.
Rams Head bar shot glass

It was pretty chilly out and we decided to head back to the condo to rest up before our early morning. The airport was about an hour away and my parents had an early morning flight. My sister spent most of the evening in front of the fireplace and I cuddled up to sleep in the biggest comfiest bed ever.

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