Friday, May 30, 2014

The Drive: Day Two

Today was filled with rain. We left Denver while it was sprinkling and it continued through most of our drive. One part, in Wyoming, was quite frightening to drive through. It was raining so hard that I was driving 40 mph when the speed limit was 75.

The rain came and went, which still allowed us to take pictures of the scenery today. The drive was definitely more scenic. I know people not from Kansas think it's flat but that's not true at all. While the land around the roads in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah was filled with hills, buttes, and mountains, the roads were mostly flat. I expected them to be insanely steep and have many dips and valleys. I'm much too used to driving through the Kansas hills and constantly climbing and descending hills. It's like driving on a rolling ocean (hmmm... possibly because Kansas was on the bottom of an ancient ocean!), whereas the roads up here cut through most of the climbs.

Cedric cried through most of the drive yesterday and wasn't thrilled today either. At our first stop, I offered to take him in my car since both girls were fairly calm. Cedric climbed in the back and spent the entire drive stretched out on a pillow I'd shoved between the driver's seat and the kennel. He enjoyed watching the scenery out the window and peeked over my shoulder often. He even barked at several cars when we were driving through the hills in Wyoming/Utah.

The most hilarious part of the drive was an electronic sign spanning the road in Utah. I really wish I'd had my phone ready so I could have capture it. It read something along the lines of,"No one has died on this road in 3 days." Brandt said he laughed for several miles.

Please enjoy some our pictures from today.

Cedric enjoyed the windows in Denver.
Not a happy boy.
Cedric wanted to cuddle after a chilly walk in the rain.

The impending doom.
Driving right into it!

My driving buddy!

Wind farm in Wyoming.
Sparrow and me in front of some scenery.
Brandt forgot to put on his sunglasses on our pit stop.
Letting the dogs stretch their legs on a
"scenic stop" (extra lane with a barrier)

Cedric is the King of Salt Lake City.

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