Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Drive: Day Three

We're almost there! The dogs woke me up at 6 a.m. and I took them out, along with Brandt's camera. Irises are my favorite flower and most have already bloomed and died by this time of year. I found two sets along the walking path outside of our motel and tried some artsy shots. Then all three dogs took turns smelling the second set, which I was able to get pictures of. Cedric didn't see the point in it and didn't sniff long. I wish I could have gotten a better one of him.

Ellie checked out the flowers first.
Then Sparrow wanted to see what was going on.
Then Cedric gave them a quick sniff.
Sparrow hanging out while I snap photos of the flowers.
I was really impressed with the walking path.
I didn't expect to find anything like this at a Best Western.
View of the mountain in Salt Lake City.

I don't have much to report on today. It was fairly cloudy but no rain. Today was a short drive but it felt like the longest. Idaho's license plates say it's "Scenic Idaho" but I can attest that southern Idaho is not very scenic. I was very restless while driving and so was Cedric. I got a few shots as he migrated around my car.
Driving out of Utah.
Cedric cuddling with Ellie.
Cedric is tired of all this driving and Sparrow is hiding under my arm.
Puppy kisses!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!! We were wondering how youreceived a puppy kiss, took the picture, and drove down the highway, but then decided maybe we did NOT want to know! : )
