Friday, December 12, 2014

Sparrow is 5

Sparrow isn't a fan of the birthday hat.
Sparrow turned five last week! I'd had Ellie for several months and it was clear she needed a friend. Ellie was very needy, full of energy, and never left me alone. I loved my puppy but I didn't have the energy to constantly entertain her. When I saw Sparrow, I knew she was perfect! I took Ellie with me to meet this possible new family member and the puppy chased Ellie all over the yard. I hadn't planned to get a puppy that day but I took her home any way.

I named her Sparrow because cavaliers are supposed to have patches over both of their eyes but she has one. I love pirates so I named her after Captain Jack Sparrow. Both girls are very different and it's easy for me to tell them apart, however, Sparrow's eye patch is the first thing I point out to strangers that think they're twins. Sparrow is also thicker, likes people, and snorts.

Sparrow has a short snout and always snores. She's always vocal with her grunts and snorts and I love it! She has a cowlick on the back of her neck, like her dad did. His was worse (so was his snorting). Sparrow licks incessantly and nothing I've done can make her stop. I hate being licked so I have trained her to stop then she licks the air instead. She loves to go outside and is always excited when I say we're going for a ride, even though he hates riding in the car. I think she looks like the Joker when she breaths with her mouth open, which is most of the time. One of her favorite things is belly rubs. She goes completely limp like a rag doll.

Sparrow and Ellie are best friends, as I knew they would be. When we brought Cedric home, Sparrow and Cedric became immediate friends. They still chase each other and wrestle. The hair on one of Sparrow's ears is shorter than the other because Cedric chews on it when they play.

Picture time!!
My puppies together.
Sparrow is always happy!
She used to cuddle when she was little.
You can see her cows lick here.
Yin and Yang. Best friends.
Sparrow loved Brandt right away.
Pretty puppy!
Sparrow likes to "suffocate" people she loves.
Sparrow really loves Brandt.
The girls waiting for Brandt to come over.
Belly rubs!
She can be a little creepy...
Always cuddling together.
Brandt loves the girls too.
Sparrow is terrified of my brother's dog so she hid in our
mom's plants. Notice, she's still smiling!

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