Monday, June 2, 2014

The Drive: Day Four

Our check in time in Portland was at 5 p.m. so we were able to get some extra sleep yesterday. At first, the drive through Oregon wasn't quite what we had pictured. There were a lot of rolling hills but they were all brown. Eventually, everything became lush and green though. It was beautiful! 

Cedric loves Oregon too!
We drove along the Columbia river most of the way. It was what I think a river should look like. It was wide enough that we spotted several barges. One bridge was lifted vertically, instead of separating in the middle with each side lifting. The drive was anything but peaceful though. The road had many curves and required concentration to make sure I stayed in the lanes. I wanted to pull over every 5 minutes to take pictures but we were all restless and ready to end the drive.

Driving along the Columbia River.
Normally Ellie keeps to herself.
Apparently, four days in a car makes her desperate for love.
The hills were beautiful but the curves were not fun.
Portland is great, so far. We haven't explored much yet. We took the dogs on a walk last night and twice today around the neighborhood. Every yard is filled with flowers, bushes, and trees. It's hard to see street signs because of all the foliage. It's amazing! On our walk tonight, I kept pointing out flowers and trees that I loved. I eventually stopped because I realized that I was pointing out almost everything we passed.

They love the day bed too.
Our temporary place is cute. I like it but Brandt isn't as happy; he'd like something more modern but he hasn't complained. There isn't AC, which is common in Oregon. We've had the windows open the whole time and at night it gets quite cold. They added a day bed that wasn't in the pictures on Airbnb. It's in the living room and serves as a huge couch. Brandt has been lounging on it, watching Netflix and searching for things to do and see in Portland. Our hostess is nice and gave us helpful information, like Portland has a leash law and poop must always be scooped. That's not an issue for us but good to know. Portland encourages composting, which I love, and trash is only picked up every two weeks. Recycling is a big thing here too (yay!).

The dogs slept in with me too.
I slept in today and then started the job hunt again. My priority is to find a job I'll love. Then we can find a permanent home and begin making plans for our lives here. We want to get bikes and I want to explore the state parks too. There is a Rose Festival that's happening all month and we're planning on going to the festivities on Saturday. We'll also visit the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry because their membership reciprocates with my membership at Exploration Place. We're also going to a farmers market soon. They have one every day instead of just on Saturdays! I'm really loving Portland and Oregon so far. Not having a job is a dark cloud hanging over my head right now. I'm ready to find a great place to work and excited for our adventure to begin!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have been able to kick back and relax a little. A wonderful job is waiting for you both!!! Sending positive, happy thoughts to you both!
