Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Job Search

Charlie from Always Sunny in Philadelphia
expressing my thoughts.
I graduated college in 2009, right after the financial crisis. Even today I hear how tough the job market was and is. I was fortunate because the museum I interned for in college had a job opening. This is the first time I've done a "real" job search instead of just investigating my options.

Looking for jobs is daunting. Brandt and I have been applying since March when we made the decision to move. Almost two months later, still no jobs. Last week, he sent me the picture of Charlie and I had to laugh. At times, I want to throw my hands up in the air and yell sarcastically about why I don't have a job lined up yet. I have applied for about 44 jobs and finally got my first phone call Friday. Unfortunately, that call was for a group interview on Monday. It was nice to know at least one place was interested in hiring me. Brandt has been doing better! He's had several interviews and hopefully he'll have a job offer soon.

My new resume is the
one on top. I love the green!
I decided to be proactive about my situation and I reformatted my resume. I spent several hours researching and designing it. I think it looks great and hopefully will catch the attention of potential employers! I think my old resume was too text heavy but I wanted to include as much information as possible. As I learned in my journalism/mass comm. classes: white space is good! I'm hoping that the phone calls will start rushing in now.

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